#19. Blue Kachina Message to Humanity #1
Ground Yourself in Those Traditions and Energies That Inspire You
19 April 2022
In my last post, “We Are the Blue Star Kachina,” I began acting on a recent call from Spirit to dive into the messages that I had received when I channeled the Blue Star Kachina in late August-early September of 2014. I wasn’t sure at first what this would mean, given that I couldn’t remember the gist of what those messages presented to humanity at that time, but I dove back in to see what I could find.
It turns out that the message—each of the five of the posts from 2014 form a part of one more-comprehensive message—tells us something that I think is even more critical for our self-understanding than it was eight years back. For, at this particular moment in 2022, Humanity at large is truly confronted with what are now commonly called existential threats, threats which in various ways are all of our own making.
We are a species at war with itself. And the message from the Blue Star Kachina offers us a variety of ways of grounding ourselves in our attempts to meet the challenges of our day—solutions that lie within ourselves. In the previous message—the introductory message to the four that follow—I had written the following words inspired by my first engagement with the Blue Star Kachina:
Only through our own choices and actions may we fully develop our inner Heart capacities that will best express our inner potential, our Highest Being. This is not a time for Messiahs, in other words, unless by Messiah we mean our inner selves—each of us seeking our full flowering into the greatest expression of our inner beauty and capabilities as we seek higher union with all beings on our planet and throughout the cosmos. (Emphasis aded)
In the message below, the Blue Star Kachina tells us the following concerning our Path of the Heart:
I, the Blue Kachina, speak to you, all of Humanity, at this point in order to ask you to do the work that you need to do, should you feel called on this Path, this Path of the Heart that will allow you to re-engage the experiences of Divine Glory that are your birthright. The energies of the Planet, of the Universe, of the Cosmos that you have experienced in so many ways before now can flourish in you as you rise to recognize your true Inner Selves and move forward with the determination to allow yourself to fulfill your own Inner Being, your own Principles.
I will post each of the four numbered messages separately over the next week or so, beginning with #1 here today. I plan to write up an indepth meditation concerning all five of these messages from the Blue Star Kachina in order to present what I see now as their importance for all of us today as we go forth in this Path of the Heart.
— Gabriel Hartley • Fiskars, Finland
August 29, 2014
I am the Blue Star Kachina, and I speak to humanity now with great urgency. Now, this declaration of urgency is not meant to cause fear or panic; it is not meant to trigger you into various kinds of anxieties and disturbing excitements of emotion. The excitations towards which I am working, the ones I am hoping to trigger within you, are those of Joy, the excitations of Love, the excitations of the feeling of connection to something larger than yourselves—a sense that has been lost in much of the world of the present day for Humanity.
There are ultimate consequences, of course, to not heeding these suggestions, but moving forward on a path of fear allows for influences in the ways you perceive the world around you that are not necessarily helpful as you go forward and make the connections you need to make with those Beings and Entities who are here to join with you. Not all of the Beings here are here in order to help you. They are here to frustrate you. But when you begin a journey expecting frustration, then you will certainly find what you seek.
If you begin a journey grounded in your own sense of Self, in your own continuity of being, in the integrity of your connection with your Higher Purpose through your Higher Self, then you can rest assured that the Beings who come to you and who resonate with your own sense of well-being are the ones you are designed to speak to, the ones with whom you came back to this planet to meet with, to work with, to celebrate with, to sing with, to create joy with.
So breathe deeply, all of you Humans taking this step forward in the Path of Light, in the Path of Love, in the Path of Transcendence out of the pit of despair, out of the pit of pain and unhappiness that has characterized so much of Human Existence. For this is only one pale side, one shadow side of Humanity. There are many joys in the long train of human experience that are not recorded as distinctly as are the pains and the sorrows. But you can find those traces of joy, and you can feel their resonances as you dive into your own Heart Being.
For this is a message of the Heart, of Being within the Heart Space that makes you what you are as a Human species. And we mean this generally, for there are many different types of Humans, many different species, in fact— subspecies and so on—that go under the name of Human. But again, this is not information designed to disturb, to frighten, to cause anxiety, but instead to allow you to recognize the multiplicity of the threads, the inputs, the influences that have gone into the pool of experiences and energies that have come to be called the Human Being. And it is from this variety, this great diversity of experiences and energies that Humans can flourish with such complexity, with such color in the array of expression of the ultimate Divine principle in the Cosmos at the Heart of each of you. As you walk forward out of your Hearts, you walk forward expressing the All that Is, the One that all participates in and that all expresses. For you are all part of one larger energy, one larger principle, and each of you in your own way has your own unique, particular colorful, beautiful way of expressing the nature of this One behind All.
So I, the Blue Kachina, speak to you, all of Humanity, at this point in order to ask you to do the work that you need to do, should you feel called on this Path, this Path of the Heart that will allow you to re-engage the experiences of Divine Glory that are your birthright. The energies of the Planet, of the Universe, of the Cosmos that you have experienced in so many ways before now can flourish in you as you rise to recognize your true Inner Selves and move forward with the determination to allow yourself to fulfill your own Inner Being, your own Principles.
I am in no way suggesting when I use words such as “Destiny” and “Fulfillment” that you do not have choice, that you do not have free will, that you do not at every moment of your existence have a decision to make that allows you to deal with the complexity of your experience. What I am suggesting, rather, is that there is a coherent principle at the very Heart of your Being that you recognize, and that when you, in your full comfort with yourself, understand what lies deep within you, deep within your Soul Path and the chain of experiences that have gone into the informing of the development of the information that makes up the Soul Journey that you are, then you can move forward with a sense of trust, with a sense of openness, with a sense of mission as you fulfill your potential. For it is Potential that we mean here in terms of Destiny. You are destined to engage with your deepest elements of Self. How that engagement culminates is very much due to the choices you make as you follow this path.
So we ask you to look to the various traditions that ground you, that allow you to clarify the energies within your Being, to seek those forces that inspire you, that are closest to your heart and that allow the greatest parts of yourselves to express themselves in the clearest way. And when you have achieved this grounding and this clarity, this sense of Self, then you are capable of engaging in the work of communicating and cooperating with the multitude of Beings that are here in their own excitement, their own fulfillment of Being as they themselves seek the Higher Development of Existence and, more specifically, of the Planetary Being—this planet you call Earth, that you call Gaia, that you call Turtle Island.
This is home. This is your space in the sky. Treat it well. Learn its resonances, and you will recognize how deeply they resonate within your own Being, your own Heart.
Go forward in peace and in confidence.
[This message was channeled by Gabriel Hartley in Athens, Ohio on August 29, 2014.]
I especially appreciate the idea that humanity is so varied and complex, "the multiplicity of threads" that contribute to the potential of our creativity, etc. Beautiful.